Wednesday, October 30, 2013

A Picture(s) Post Card from the EJW Career Fair and Conference, October 25-26, 2013

I wasn't able to make it to this year's Equal Justice Works Conference and Career Fair this year, but my "spies" were able to take many pictures of the event which I present here for you. Students, make plans during your law school career to attend at least one major career fair:

  • Bid for jobs and internships
  • Prepare your "elevator speech"
  • Go and do "Table Talk" confidently  

As the song says about New York. . " if you can do it at a big scale career fair. . you can do it (network!) anywhere." 

David Stern introduces the guest speakers

Great advise for law students and lawyers alike
Fellows and law students highlighted throughout

Table Talk in a huge auditorium

Do you have the "stuff" needed to "work a room"?